Make a donation

Without the support of generous companies, foundations, trusts and individual supporters, we as a charity would not exist. The Exodus Project has stood proud for 22 years because of kind supporters who see the value of what we do and what we achieve.

Will you stand alongside us with them?

Clicking the button below will take you to, letting you support Exodus for no added costs by simply shopping on a website that is supported by them. Be sure to add their reminder to your browser first.

Click the Image


Below you can donate via JustGiving which supports Google, PayPal, instant bank transfer or credit or debit card. 100% of your donation sent through JustGiving will be received by us using this link, with possible added costs. We so appreciate your support of our work and we want to write and thank you personally. We will not be able to do this from you making a donation through JustGiving on this platform. We need you to let us have an email address or Social Media contact so we can express our gratitude. Please do consider letting us do that by leaving your details or emailing us at Thank you so much once again.

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We accept donations through PayPal too. To donate through PayPal, please click the button below

We are also members of Stewardship, a platform for giving. Please use the button below to be taken to our giving page

Legacy Giving

Payroll Giving

Most people seem to realise the importance of making a Will. Having an up-to-date will ensures peace of mind because you know your money and assets will be distributed as you want. Many people like to remember their favourite charities as well.

Children are part of all our futures. Leaving money to Exodus will ensure the charity continues to provide opportunities for the next generation to fulfill their potential.

The best possible gift you can leave to Exodus is a share of your estate (see below), which means you should not have to alter your gift if circumstances change.

Making a Will isn’t as expensive as most people think, but because it is a legal document, we would advise you to use a solicitor.

Doing so will ensure that your Will is legally correct and that all your wishes can be carried out.

It’s a good idea to make a note beforehand of any questions you need to ask your solicitor. If you have any further queries or would like to discuss pledging your support by leaving a legacy to  Exodus, then please contact us and we will be happy to help you as much as we can.

There are two main ways you can leave a gift in your Will – these are:

  1. A share of your estate ( or residuary amount ) – this is usually shown as a percentage of what is left of that estate – once all the expenses, debts and specific gifts have been taken out. This type of gift in your will means that, however much your financial circumstances change, the proportion of your estate each person or charity receives will stay the same.
  2. A specific sum ( or pecuniary amount ) – an amount of money which you want to leave to a friend, relative or charity.

Payroll giving is an easy and tax free way of giving through your gross pay. It is also a simple way to demonstrate a company’s commitment to good causes. It does not need cost the company anything, although many companies do run ‘matched giving’ schemes.

The benefits of Payroll Giving are:

  • A reliable and regular source of income the The Exodus Project can depend on.
  • It is easy to set up.
  • It is a tax effective way for employees and pensioners to give to charity. For every £1.00 that you donate, 22p (at 22% tax rate), which would normally go to the Inland Revenue, will go to The Exodus Project.

How does it work?

Providing that your employer offers a Payroll Giving Scheme, all you need to do is complete a Payroll Giving Form and pass it onto your Payroll/Finance/HR Department, sending a copy to us. This will authorise your employer to deduct donations from your pay.

Your employer pays these donations to a Payroll Giving Agency approved by the Inland Revenue. The agency then distributes the money to The Exodus Project. Once your donation is set up, you don’t have to do any more – simple!

If your employer does not currently operate a Payroll Giving Scheme – suggest they start one. It’s easy and inexpensive to run.



Corporate Support

There are many ways in which companies support the work of The Exodus Project. Below are just a few ideas about ways your company can help:

Adopt Exodus as your Charity of the Year

Every company relies on a hardworking and innovative workforce. Many companies spend time and resources trying to build team spirit and commitment. Adopting us as your chosen charity is a great way to do just that.


It can:

  • Unite staff behind a common goal.
  • Build team spirit and commitment to the company.
  • Boost morale.
  • Unlock employee potential and transform their performance at work.
  • Encourage inter-departmental or divisional cross working relationships.

Sponsorship comes in many forms and can be as simple as letting Exodus use a service your company provides or sponsoring one of our publications or fundraising events. Exodus could even help your company reach your target audience and communicate a positive message to them.

Employee Fund-Raising

In partnership, Exodus can help motivate and assist in staff development and team building. According to research, 87% of employees believe that a company that support society and community is probably a good company to work for. ( Source: Business in the Community, 1997 ) 

Corporate Donations

Corporate Donations are just as welcome from companies as those from individuals. TO be honest, if we had more support from just a few of the companies in Barnsley who have the means, our work would be self-sustaining and we would be able to do so much more for the future work force. Investing in local young people is more likely to keep them here and grow our local economy in the medium to long term. We have been around for many years, because we recognise that making a difference requires a long term commitment. Please will you consider partnering with us through your business support?

Secondment of Employees

Can your company lend us the services of one or more of your employees? As well as being beneficial to us, it can help employees develop new skills and experience new environments. The total cost of their employment, borne by the company, is tax deductible

In-Kind Support

Enables our corporate supporters to contribute to the objectives of Exodus in a way that is unique and entirely relevant to their business, as well as encouraging goodwill amongst staff and customers.

A list of some of our supporters:

Abtech Ltd – Sheffield

AESSEAL – Rotherham

Dransfield Foundation